What is Mindful Meal Planning?

A beginner’s guide to Mindful Meal Planning.

Welcome to the Mindful Meal Planning studio!

Welcome to the Mindful Meal Planning studio!

The daily struggle of what to eat is a recurring dilemma amongst most of my clients. Last blog, I touched on how health is more influenced by our daily behaviors than the number on the scale. But that still doesn’t answer the question of what I should eat to be healthy. Or at the very least, maximize the daily recommended amount of nutrition from every meal.

Many of us who have struggled with food choice are tired of diet programs that don’t work or low-carb meal plans that keep you craving more. That’s why I developed my signature Mindful Meal Planning program to help those who struggle with dieting feel more confident in their food choices. 

But what exactly is Mindful Meal Planning and how is it different from every other diet?


What is Mindful Meal Planning?

Mindful Meal Planning is my signature self-care approach to nutrition and wellness. Founded on the principles of Intuitive Eating and Health At Every Size, my Mindful Meal Planning programs combine one-on-one meal planning support and Intuitive Eating skill-building exercises to help you develop healthy a relationship with food and increase your overall health and wellbeing. 

My Mindful Meal Planning program can be broken down into two key practices: Mindful Eating and Meal Planning.

Mindful Eating is the practice of cultivating self-awareness while eating. Developing your mindful eating skills will help you plug back into your body’s cues of hunger and fullness, better manage emotional eating and help you feel more confident about what you’re putting in your body.

Meal Planning is more simply defined as choosing the meals you want to make and having ingredients readily available. When you are prepared to eat, it’s much easier to ration portions and make smarter food decisions. My goal is to help you build the confidence to find your ideal food balance.


Why Mindful Meal Planning? 

Mindful Meal Planning Takes the Guesswork Out of Eating

Without a proper meal plan, it’s easy to make less-than-ideal food choices or skip meals altogether. Mindful Meal Planning helps take the guesswork out of eating by teaching you how to be properly prepared with meals and ready-to-go snacks so you can make conscious, calculated food choices.

 Mindful Meal Planning can help you to break the toxic cycle of diet culture

Weight loss dieting consumes a lot of your mental space and often leads to slower metabolism and weight regain. Following restrictive food rules increase stress levels and a sense of guilt or failure whenever a food rule is broken.

Mindful Meal Planning isn’t about making drastic dietary overhauls or using rigid exercise routines to achieve short-term weight loss goals. It’s about making small, sustainable lifestyle changes that have lasting effects on your overall health and wellness.

The goal with Mindful Meal Planning is to help you feel confident in your own food choices and rebuild trust in your body so you no longer have to pay for a diet program. Mindful Meal Planning empowers you to create meals that work specifically for you and your lifestyle.

Mindful Meal Planning increases mealtime satisfaction

If the goal of a healthy diet is to improve your quality of life, the objective of food should be to increase your sense of pleasure. Mealtime is way more satisfying when your plate consists of foods you both enjoy and are good sources of nutrients. Mindful Meal Planning empowers you to make decisions about food that will give you energy, health, sustain and satisfy you.


Mindful Meal Planning can also help you avoid the three O’s of meal planning mistakes:

  1. Overplanning - Planning three meals a day, seven days a week can be daunting and overwhelming. It can also set you up for failure if you change your mind midweek or have a craving for a different type of food. Mindful Meal Planning can help you portion and store foods/ingredients correctly so that you don’t have to add additional stress to mealtime overthinking upwards to fifteen meals a week.

  2. Overcomplicating recipes - Cooking and preparing meals should be a moment to slow down and reconnect with yourself. Eliminate the stress by choosing meals that are easy for you to prepare on your busiest days.

  3. Omitting / Overlooking meal planning - When you don’t plan ahead, you risk wasting energy, food, and money. Stop wandering grocery stores or ordering out with a fridge full of food. Create a plan for what you need and become more conscious of your food budget. 


✨Feel confident in your own skin and the food choices you’re making.✨

Get started for FREE by grabbing the Mindful Meal Planning Guide here

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Jamie Lopez

Jamie Lopez is a NYC/NJ based registered dietitian nutritionist and nutrition therapist who's passionate about food, science and mental health. Jamie blends mindful eating with a non-diet, weight-inclusive approach into her virtual private practice. Jamie completed her Dietetic Internship and received her Masters of Science degree in Nutrition and Food Studies at New York University.


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