Virtual Dietitian and Intuitive Eating Coach

Hello, I’m Jamie Lopez

An anti-diet dietitian and nutrition educator helping people ditch the diet and make confident, healthy food choices.

Since I was 17, I knew I wanted to pursue a career in nutrition

1 . because I love food and 2. because I wanted to learn how to take care of my body and help others to do the same.

When I graduated from New York University and became a dietitian, I started my own weight loss program based on low-calorie meal plans for people who struggled with their weight. I knew from first-hand experience, if you restrict enough calories, you’ll lose weight.

And it worked! My clients were “successful” for the first 3-4 weeks.

GREAT! Right? Well, it turns out no…

They complained of intense food cravings. Their self-talk became more and more negative. Even the most dedicated client eventually reached a plateau, where their weight loss suddenly... stopped.

Have you ever experienced this while dieting?


That was when I realized the problem wasn’t me or my clients.

Diets are the problem.


Every day on a diet is a constant struggle.

A daily reminder you can’t enjoy your food or trust your body. When I realized my meal plans were causing unnecessary emotional and physical distress, I knew something was wrong. I didn’t sign up to be a dietitian to cause harm or make people feel ashamed of their eating habits.

That’s why I developed my signature Mindful Meal Planning program. Based on the principles of Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size, my program aims to drop the diet charade and shift focus to behaviors that actually promote our health and well-being. Behaviors like:

  • eating well throughout the day

  • regular physical movement you enjoy

  • emotional empowerment

  • and other self-care behaviors


I no longer want to live in a world where we’re in constant battle with our bodies. I want to live in a world where we respect and find comfort in our unique skin.

What makes Mindful Meal Planning one-of-a-kind?

Mindful Meal Planning combines two nutrition practices: Mindful Eating and Meal Planning.

Mindful eating is the practice of cultivating self-awareness while eating. Developing your mindful eating skills will help you plug back into your body’s cues of hunger and fullness, better manage emotional eating and help you feel more confident about what you are putting in your body.

Meal Planning is more simply defined as choosing the meals you want to make and having ingredients readily available. When you are prepared to eat, it’s much easier to ration portions and make smarter food decisions. My goal is to help you build the confidence to find your ideal food balance.

Mindful Meal Planning isn’t about making drastic dietary overhauls or using rigid food rules to achieve short-term weight loss. It’s about making small, sustainable lifestyle changes that have lasting effects on your overall health and wellness.

8 Things I Learned From Practicing Mindful Meal Planning

  1. How to nourish from a place of body acceptance, rather than a place of body shame

  2. Experience joy and satisfaction in my favorite foods (like burgers and fries)

  3. Stop placing moral value on food - like identifying food as “good” or “bad”

  4. ALL foods can fit in a healthy diet (Yes! even pizza and cake)

  5. Emotional eating is a normal human experience

  6. Food guilt no longer needs to be a side dish on my plate

  7. How to cultivate curiosity with food cravings, rather than judgment

  8. How to let my body guide what I eat and how much I eat


Become a member of

Mindful Meal Planning

and redefine your health & wellness today!

Jamie’s signature nutrition program will transform how you think about your daily food choices. Whether you’re managing a chronic medical condition or simply struggling to make healthy food choices, Mindful Meal Planning will help you eat with confidence.

Memberships starting at $75/month.

What People Are Saying


“[Jamie] freed me from a lifetime of diets and trying to change my body.”

— McKenna

“Jamie really broadened my knowledge of nutrition and changed the way that I treat my body.”

- Rebecca

“Jamie gave me the opportunity to learn good eating habits and ways to stay healthy while still eating the foods that I love.”

- Anthony